Monday, 2 December 2019


I know you're gonna like it and I hope you come back. With a big pan of butter, man it can't get better than this. This song is dedicated to the Moloka'i families who continued to ho'omau keep going even with the loss of their loved ones. F Dm Take me back. It's just a lu'au down by the sea. Though the original intent of this song is a happy one, it now carries a deep poignancy. molokai slide ehukai

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It became somewhat of a cheer the chorus starts with the words "Take me back" and was eventually heard and recorded molokaj the group Ehukai from Hilo. In a little grass shack Gm C7 I know you're gonna like it and I hope that you come back F Dm I like the fishes swimming round in the sea, I like to hop 'um on the grill, Bb C7 and cook 'um up for me, with a big pan of butter, man it can't get F C7 better than this F Dm I like the chicken, we hop 'um on the grill, man it hurts to eat the raw fish Bb C7 F and eat milokai all the spills.

I like to listen to my heart, there's no place I'd rather be. A great tragedy to the slids community of Moloka'i and a loss to the people of Hawai'i occurred when, after winning the MIL Maui Inter—Scholastic League volleyball championships, the plane carrying Natalie Helm and her other teammates crashed.

molokai slide ehukai

Note George's great simultaneous bass and rhythm and occasionally lead parts. I like the silde, I like the way they smile, I like the feeling of you on this paradise isle.

molokai slide ehukai

I like the cool island gecko, man this is where I wanna be. I like the fishes swimming round in the sea, I like to hop 'um on the grill, and cook 'um up for me.

Molokai Slide

Song of the Year, Single of the Year. F Dm Take me back. Moloka'i Slide speaks of love of music, food, the songs of the gecko in the night and the general warmth of Hawai'i, its climate moolkai its people.

Back to da kine.

Oh well, oh yeah. It became somewhat of a cheer the chorus starts with the words "Take me back" and was eventually heard and recorded by the group Ehukai from Mololai. The Helm family is no stranger to tragedy.

Molokai Slide -

It includes a catchy reggae-lite beat and a melody containing more than a hint of Sam Cooke's hit, "Chain Gang. Moloka'i Slide was perpetuated by Natalie Helm, a member of moloka Moloka'i High School volleyball team who shared the song with other volleyball players throughout the state of Hawai'i.

When the sun comes up shining, always mo' betta da kine. I like the chicken, we hop 'um on the grill.

Get everything ehukaii GoChords has to offer — Upgrade Now. In the slack key tradition, when playing duets, the two players often try to play in two different tunings, or use the approach here, to get beautiful contrasting and complimentary sounds.

This song is dedicated to the Moloka'i families who continued to ho'omau keep going even with the loss of their loved ones. I know you're gonna like it and I hope you come back. Euukai me back Back to da kine.

Take me back, Take me back - Song Bird House — LiveJournal

With a big pan of butter, man it can't get better than this. Moloka'i Slide vocal George: A great tragedy to the entire community of Moloka'i and a loss to the people of Hawai'i occurred when, after winning the MIL Maui Inter—Scholastic League volleyball championships, the plane carrying Natalie Helm and her other teammates crashed. We'll cook a little pig and all the coconuts are free. This song is written by Tad Suckling from Vancouver, Washington, about his slid for a wagon ride lu'au held at Mapulehu, Moloka'i, and the hospitality ehukau to him by Larry Helm and his family.

molokai slide ehukai

I say a won't you come along, we'll have a lu'au by the sea. Song Bird House [ entries archive friends userinfo ] Oriole. National steel guitar in G Major Tuning, tuned to the key of G and playing in the key of F This song is written by Tad Suckling from Vancouver, Washington, about his love for a wagon ride lu'au held at Mapulehu, Moloka'i, and the hospitality shown to him by Larry Helm and his family.

Chorus Bb C7 F All over.

I like the sand spreading out to the sea, I like the tropical moon and the lazy palm trees. And what you mollkai is what you get. It's just a little grass shack.

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