Tuesday, 3 December 2019


By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. Notify me of new posts via email. Then Amit comes in syncing his pace well with the beats to announce he is looking for his way amidst all the confused priorities and has to unlearn whatever is taught. They have released 3 tracks on June You are commenting using your Facebook account. I personally love the band. The tune of this song has more variations than the roko na, but I felt the heavy orchestra over shadows the song mid way. main jaaonga sifar

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SIFAR "Main Jaaonga"

Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here What stands out apart from a beautiful bass and guitar treatment is Amit who appears flat in the beginning but later in the song takes on the music setting head on and never leaves the pace. You are commenting using your WordPress.

main jaaonga sifar

By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. Am sure they will take all the feedback and will rock it more. Then Amit comes in syncing his pace well with the beats to announce he is looking for his way amidst all the confused priorities and has to unlearn whatever is taught. Oh and kudos of the lyrics. As with previously home recorded demos, he continued to perform and record Vocals, Guitars, and Synthesizers himself in addition to handling the Arrangement and Production.

This site uses cookies. Something in me tells they will…afterall they have jaalnga like you! Drums were now performed by Deepak, and Bass Guitar was now being performed by Jjaaonga.

All and all, a super offering by Sifar. Earlier, Music Aloud also published a rave review of the album.

main jaaonga sifar

Anshul loved the music done by Uaaonga and they decided to upload the song along with one of Amit's songs on the internet. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Hope Sifar scores on that part as well. Sifarr notes reproduced from the official website — http: Eight of sfiar songs were also published in the popular computer technology magazine Digit 's Annual Issue in December Indian musical groups Indian rock music groups Indian rock music Culture of Delhi Musical groups established in Am not a rock alternate aficionado but I loved the sound Cheers!

Music is passion, not an Occu-passion View all posts by Rohwit. Amit Yadav Executive Producer: Retrieved from " https: They have released 3 tracks on June To find out more, including how to control cookies, see here: They continued publishing the songs online on their website on a regular basis. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

I liked your comment a jaaongaa. Main Jaunga — Soft start with drums and mild guitar are almost immediately Amit gets behind the microphone and drives the song. You are commenting using your Facebook account.

Main Jaaonga Lyrics

Jaaonga by the response, Amit decided to pursue music production professionally and enrolled in a music production course run by renowned music producer and composer Gaurav Dayal at Beatfactory Academy.

I found the first song kinda very much like some of the popular english song.

main jaaonga sifar

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